Why ‘One Square Peg?’

I’m sure you’ve heard of the phrase ‘A square peg in a round hole’ and that’s exactly how I’ve felt throughout my life. The idea of not quite fitting in has been a constant as has the not knowing quite what to do, if anything, about it. 

Sitting on the side-lines of your own life watching other people, seemingly, having a ball because they get how to make friends, how to keep friends and how to be sociable has been hard. You’re at the same table eating the same food but, like the picture, there’s something that’s in the way of truly being able to join in. 

This blog is my response to being autistic, to being a SENCO and a learning support teacher and to being a mum with 4 neurodivergent children. Join me as I write about my life, my work and my learning about all things neurodivergent. You’re all welcome whether neurodivergent or not because we should be in this together and the only way to do that is to have an open mind and heart to embrace diversity in all its glory. 

Whilst I want to acknowledge the many struggles of being neurodivergent, I want to focus more on celebrating difference not deficit in order to add to the growing positivity of how we, as a society, feel about neurodiversity.

Ask any questions you like or send me titles for blogs you’d like to see written; I’d love to hear from you at emma@onesquarepeg.co.uk and feel free to share anything you see on the blog if you think that others might benefit from what I’ve written.


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